
Abby’s Dream Journey Exhibit

Mary Anne takes a picture from above the three sided story station
Looking down on the inside of the sound station for Abby’s Dream Journey. Inside there are three solid state audio players. Each audio player holds the audio story on a SD card and is activated by an external push button on the sound station.

Abby’s Dream Journey is an immersive audio story and sound exhibit that tells the story of a woman who lost her sight at the age of eight while playing with friends in the fields along the river’s edge, in the central Ethiopian city of Areka.

Abby’s Dream Journey focuses on the memories that Abby Griffith has of her life before she lost her sight, the memory of the day it happened, her visual dreams that help her remember her life before she went blind, and the journey that took us back to where it all began, in Ethiopia.

The in person tactile and immersive sound experience includes a three sided audio story station with push button activation.

Side view of Abby's Dream journey's audio story station.
The three sided story station with headphones, has the same story on all three sides for three people to listen to it at the same time. A poster illustration attached to each side of the story station with braille overlay lets the listener know what they will hear when they push the button. Immersive sounds of Ethiopia can be heard throughout the story.

Abby’s Dream Journey will be premiered at the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism in Portland, Oregon.